Immigration Specialist Lawyers
You Need A Reliable Adviser To Help You Deal With Your Immigration Matters
At Joseph Business Solutions, We Welcome You To Our Friendly Environment, Where We Provide You With Services Tailormade To The Individual Immigration Problems That You Are Facing. We, Will, help you achieve your goals at a reasonable cost as we mainly focus on the best ways of building our relationship with you and ensure we always serve your best interests. We specialise In Both Private And Business Immigration Services. Our Advisers Have The Knowledge And Skills To Assist And Advise You In The Immigration Problems You Are Facing. You Can Contact Us And Make An Appointment To See One Of Our Advisers For The Advice That You Need.
Our Practice Areas
Points Based Immigration
We offer tailored advice and guidance to help clients through the entire complexities of sponsored employment under the points-based immigration system This system provides flexible arrangements for UK employers to recruit skilled workers from around the world through a number of different immigration routes.
Sponsorship Management System(SMS)
After you get your licence we will further assist you to manage your sponsorship Managament sytem. (SMS) The SMS is not user friendly and we provide services in managing and your licence compliancy. This will give you time to strategise your business and manage it efficiently without worying about your sponsorship licence .
Sponsorship Licences
If you want to sponsor migrants through the Skilled Worker route we have specilaist advisers who can assist your company to be granted an "A" rating licence. We have successfully assisted many domiciliary care service providers and Supported living services providers to get their licence.
Dependant Family Members
The skilled workers can bring their family members (partner and children) to the UK
Graduate Route
The Graduate route enables international students who have been awarded their degree to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for two years, or three years for doctoral students. It is an unsponsored route, meaning you do not need a sponsor licence to hire someone with a Graduate visa.
EU Settlement Scheme
European Union Freedom of movement ended in UK on the 31st December 2020 at 11pm. EU citizens and their family members wishing to remain living can still apply if they are eligible for the scheme and can show ‘reasonable grounds’ for why they did not apply by the deadline that applies to them.
British Citizenship
A person can acquire British citizenship automatically , by registration or via naturalisation. Should you have any questions about your eligibility
Sponsorship Licenses Applications
One of our specialties is sponsorship licenses applications continuous support in managing your license is available on flexible terms including preparing you for the home office audits

Sponsorship License

What is sponsorship?
If you wish to employ a person who is not a settled worker, and who does not otherwise have immigration permission to work in the UK, you will need to be authorised by the Home Office. This authorisation is known as a ‘sponsor license’, and employers who hold a sponsor license are known as ‘sponsors’.
Individual persons are not eligible to be recognised as sponsors, unless they are sole traders who wish to sponsor someone to work in their business.
A worker must have an offer of a job which meets the relevant criteria from an approved sponsor before they can make a valid application to enter or stay in the UK for the purpose of work. The sponsor confirms this by assigning a Certificate of Sponsorship to the worker.
Sponsorship plays two main roles in a worker’s application for permission to enter or stay in the UK:
- where relevant, it provides evidence that the worker will fill a genuine vacancy in a skilled occupation and will be paid appropriately;
- it involves a pledge from the sponsor that it accepts all of the duties of sponsorship
Routes Under Which You Can Apply For A Sponsor Licence
There are two broad types of sponsor licence you can apply for: Worker (formerly Tier 2) and Temporary Worker (formerly Tier 5 (Temporary Worker)). Within these two types, there are a number of individual immigration ‘routes’. You can apply to be licensed in as many routes as you feel appropriate for your business or organisation.
There is a brief description of these routes below. For more detailed information, refer to the route-specific guidance.
Note: you do not need to apply for a new licence if you already have a valid licence under the existing Tier 2 or Tier 5 arrangements – see Transitional provisions below
Worker Route

These routes are for skilled and long-term workers. There are 5 Worker
routes, as follows:
- Skilled Worker: this allows employers to recruit people to work in the UK in a specific job – a Skilled Worker must have a job offer in an eligible skilled occupation and meet the salary and going rate requirements
- Intra-Company routes: there are two Intra-Company routes, both of which require the worker to be sponsored in an eligible skilled occupation and meet the salary and going rate requirements: Intra-Company Transfer: this is for established workers who are being transferred by the overseas business they work for to do a skilled role with a linked business in the UK
- Intra-Company Graduate Trainee: this is for workers who are being transferred by the overseas business they work for to undertake a role in the UK with a linked business as part of a
structured graduate training programme - T2 Sportsperson: this for an elite sportsperson or qualified coach who is sponsored in a role where they will make a significant contribution to
the development of sport at the highest level in the UK and who has a valid endorsement from the appropriate Sports Governing Body. - T2 Minister of Religion: this for a person who has a key leading role within their faith-based organisation or a religious order in the UK.

Temporary Worker Routes
The Temporary Worker (or ‘T5 (Temporary Worker)’) routes allow employers to recruit workers in a variety of temporary roles with an organisation in the UK to help satisfy cultural, charitable, religious or international objectives, including volunteering and job shadowing, and for meeting seasonal employment needs in the edible horticultural sector.
These are some of Temporary Worker routes on which you can sponsor workers:
- Charity Worker: this is for a person who wants to come to the UK to do voluntary work with a charitable organisation for no more than 12 months.
- Creative or Sporting Worker: this is for a person who wants to work within the creative or sporting sectors in the UK for up to 12 months (with the possibility to extend for up to a maximum of 24 months in the case of Creative Workers): a Creative Worker is someone who can make a unique contribution to the UK’s rich cultural life, for example, as an artist, dancer, musician or entertainer, or as a model contributing to the UK’s fashion industry a Sporting Worker is someone who can make a significant contribution to their sport at the highest level in the UK.
- Religious Worker: this for a person who wants to support the activities of religious institutions in the UK by conducting religious work, such as working in a religious order or undertaking non-pastoral work for a religious organisation, for a maximum of 2 years – the work must not include employment as a minister of religion.
- Seasonal Worker: this is for workers in edible horticulture doing seasonal work in the UK with a sponsor (who must be an approved scheme operator) for up to 6 months in any 12-month period.